Saturday, 22 January 2011

Life happens at you, not to you.

OH has the tummy bug now, which has severely limited the amount that is going to happen this weekend. I did wonder last night as he was as exhausted as I was. We may try synchronised napping tonight again, but perhaps not to Life on Earth.

Even evil cat has been sick, with a loud and bravura performance. But she does that for a hobby anyway.

It is three weeks into the new year. I have that awful feeling that time is trickling through my fingers. So I need to get moving.

Of course, I need to get moving because darling father is now on full speed ahead to move up here and I need to make room for his stuff. And I need to get moving for my own sanity. And I need to get moving so little bear can bring school friends home to an orderly house when he starts school in September.

The PDSA left a sack for me to fill for collection. This is less easy than formerly, as I have culled the more obvious stuff already. I intend to try and stuff it, however, as it is a charity I much approve of. I am just a bit wary - I will need to put the PDSA bag out on bin day, and the bins have been collected on time the last few weeks. I may trying phoning to see if they will knock.

I think little bear may be on his way to a nap in the adjoining room, and as he woke me at 6am, coincidentally when Cbeebies starts, asking for Cbeebies, I think a nap is in order. I don't want to start moving lots of stuff around.

I am feeling a little more human, however, so I plan to get back to 'Digging up the Past' (I've mentally written the next chapter anyway) but I want to get a proper concordance going, with things like surnames consistent. So that is where I can start.


Morgan said...

Sometimes I think we have to ease ourselves into the new year quite gently or else we can be so full of ideas and intentions that we crash and burn, so don't panic about the passage of time!!

I hope you are all recovered soon, but do take it easy - and thanks for the hug on my blog - I need hugs right now!!

Wannabe Sybil said...

Have another hug from little bear (disinfected). You definitely deserve it! I think it is easier to realise how time slips away at this time of year. I think a March 12 resolution is perhaps better than New Year as the nights are getting a bit lighter and the weather a bit warmer and it gets time for spring cleaning. I may put a note in my diary! WS x

Ian said...

Don't panic! Don't panic!

I very firmly resolved not to make any resolutions at all. Since then I've joined Weightwatchers and been up at the allotment a lot more than usual.

I just keep at the 'doing a bit each day' thing if I can as I find I get a lot more done that way.

Maybe we should go back to having New Year on 31 October. Then NY would mean a nice party or a night out most likely not in the snow. And NY resolutions can be to snuggle up on the sofa, eat warming foods and drink hot chocolate.