Thursday, 7 April 2011

Evil cat and a phone call

The vet called today and gave me the results for the urine sample. She doesn't have proteins in her urine, which means as yet no tablets.

I declined blood tests. The vet was quite understanding as she had to take evil cat into a separate room with two trained vetinary nurses to get the urine sample. I don't know exactly what she was like but she was pretty much Die Hard with a Tabby just at the stethoscope. The vet thought she would need to be sedated just to get the blood sample. Evil cat doesn't do grace under malignant fortune. She does swearing and violence.

I said clearly that I was not giving her tablets. Those who have seen her being treated would understand. She will be seventeen soon, probably in July. We got her as a tiny, tiny bundle of fluff in August 1994 so she is a good age. Why should we put her through lots of treatment, lots of stress when really it will impact hugely on her quality of life.

Then the vet, when asked, said she is likely to be with us not more than a year. Suddenly I was willing to do tablets - or anything. However, really, given the stress it would give evil cat, I am still not whose benefit the tablets are for.

I hate these sort of choices. I am going to be sitting here trying to work out what is best for evil cat. I can make all sorts of clever posts about her, but how do you work out what is best for a little bundle of malevolent fur. Currently she is okay. I will take comfort in that.

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