Monday, 4 July 2011

Bees in the attic

We have had honey bees in the chimney for the second year, and I am now quite relaxed about them, they pollinate all sorts of useful things and cause no bother.

Until today. Nice Mr Next Door pointed out that the bees were coming through holes in the ceiling where the light fittings were. I think this means they are in the attic.

There is no access to our attic from our house. It is all boarded over. This is a Good Thing because there are no partitions between the attics of the eight back to back houses and a few years ago the scally in the house behind next door but one used to dive into his attic every time the police came knocking and come down into the house of Her Three Doors Down. I have to say that it is unnerving hearing strangers wandering about in your attic - in my case it turned out to be police waiting for the scally in the house behind next door but one.

Mr Nice Next Door is going to try and seal up any holes. Failing that I will have to start pleading with a Bee Keeper's Association member to come and have a look via Mr Nice Next Door's locked and barred attic hatch.

Of course, if I got the stove then we could probably get rid of the bees that way, though it is far from an ideal solution for the poor bees. Also honey attracts other pests. If the bees are not guarding it then who knows what might move in.

I shall have to have a think. Finding the money for a stove with little bear starting school could be a challenge.


Morgan said...

Wish we lived closer and then the FH could come and get them for you!

Wannabe Sybil said...

I just wish we lived closer in general - you are a lovely lady. And FH could have them with an imaginary ribbon around (I'm not going up to a hive to put a ribbon round in reality). I hope you are feeling better. WS x

Witch Hazel said...

Syb, I would definitely phone your local Beekeeping association anyway. If they are honeybees then they are likely to have someone who would be delighted to come and take them away - most Associations have a waiting list of people wantig and willing to collect a swarm. Here's a link to the BBKA page where you can contact your local swarm collector

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thanks, Hazel. I was in touch last year, and they (understandably) wouldn't go up to my chimney, but an attic might be different. I am now worrying if they hurt someone - though they haven't so far. I think I will get in touch, thank you. WS x

Morgan said...

Kind words, WS - thank you! Sending hugs your way xx