Thursday, 9 February 2012

Meal planning fail

Darling father bought some nice looking pork chops from Sainsburys. I was very grateful and was mentally planning some whole for tea last night and some for a stir fry for tonight. Sigh. The chops were lovely and pink where they were exposed to the atmosphere within the packaging. They were lovely and green on the inside. I should have kept them and taken them back, but I binned them with a sort of 'ewwwwww!' reflex. At least they weren't wriggling.

I already had the potatoes and carrots on, plus stuffing ready to go in and gravy primed. So we had the mash, the carrots, the stuffing and the gravy with corned beef. I will start a new list with corned beef on it - again.

I actually had quite a bit of room in my freezer when I stashed the chicken fillets and the sausages as well. I am feeling quite good about things. I also had a delivery and there was plenty of room for the fish fingers and the frozen pancakes.

As a note about frozen pancakes. I can make batter, and I have successfully made batter in the past. I have also made pancakes successfully and while they were not lacy thin, were very tasty. And every time I have made pancakes I have set the alarm off. This also applies to eggy bread and fried bread. I managed to burn some fish fingers under the grill and they didn't set the alarm off, only the frying pan seems to have that knack. Pancake day is on its way, and little bear will have Views. And also frozen pancakes.

My grocery bill is creeping up slightly, so I shall continue to try and keep it down. However there are gaps in the freezer and gaps (very tiny ones) in the cupboards. I just need to keep working on it.

Also as a note to the corned beef. It was a substitution and I got Princes instead of Asda's own. The Princes had a sort of ring pull thingy at the bottom instead of a key, and it took me all my meagre strength to pull it. In fact, it was a really struggle to get the dratted tin open. And once I had got the bottom off the tin then I couldn't get the dratted meat out. I was banging it and trying to prise it with a thin knife and generally getting crosser and crosser until it shot out and bounced all over the table - I just caught it before it hit the floor. I do not approve of the new packaging of Princes.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Corned beef tins - ignore all traps set by manufacturer to encourage you to open it "their way" - instead, take a tin opener to the top, then the bottom, of the tin. The contents can then be easily pushed out straight through the tin, and the tin itself flattened ready to go into the recycling. ;-)

Frozen pancakes? They're ludicrously expensive for something so simple to make and the smoke alarm thing isn't really an issue - get everything ready, remove the batteries from the smoke alarm, cook the pancakes and then replace the batteries. Alternatively, equip your small person with a tea towel and tell him if he can make the alarm stop going off REALLY quickly by means of industrious fanning then he gets an extra pancake. Simples! :-D

Unless of course you have money to burn on buying pre-made stuff like pancakes....! ;-)