Monday, 30 July 2012

Scarborough happened

Bless little bear, he had a marvellous time at Scarborough.  I packed a massive bag with calpol and drinks and spare clothes - lots and lots of spare clothes.  I packed three complete changes of clothing and a bundle of towels and blankets. 

I didn't pack enough clothes.  Or perhaps I got little bear changed too quickly between paddling.  All I know is that little bear made the most of the rock pools, and the paddling, and then was suggesting swimming.  Apart from none of the adults having swimming gear with them, little bear has hissy fits regularly in the bath as water is on his face, so I don't think sea bathing is for him yet.  So he made up for it with ice cream, and running round, and digging with the dog, and chasing the dog, and being chased by the dog, and splashing with the dog. 

My brother's lovely dog, a gorgeous rescue that eats to professional standards, has always refused to get his paws wet, thoroughly disapproving of all this splashy stuff, but he made an exception for little bear and joined in.  He also helped with the ice cream when it got too much for little bear, the overflow of the fish n chip lunch that was too much for little bear, and the last corner of the sausage roll that little bear was eating. 

Little bear dozed in the back on the way home, wearing the driest pair of pants, next to the dog, the happiest little lad in the world. 

1 comment:

Morgan said...

So that is where you have been! Sounds like you had a lovely time xx