Saturday, 13 April 2013

Keeping food

It hasn't helped that yesterday was a nightmare and I ended up getting a takeaway.  However today's china chilo is simmering away and there is also a very small ham joint in the slow cooker.  So that's the lettuce used up today and then lots of carrots and potatoes tomorrow.

However it is getting a bit of a challenge because I caught the lettuce in the nick of time and the carrots will need using up before they go yeurk.  I really, really, really need to keep on top of the veggies.

Monday will probably be a stew to see off the celeriac, kohl rabi, leeks and any remaining carrots.  I will reassess then.

I am going to have to use my freezer a lot more.

I don't want to get a smaller box, I want to eat more veg.  However I may have to look at that as well!

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