We haven't actually done much so far, but bear is a very tired bear. He has been playing out a lot more so he has had that, and the weather hasn't helped. I realised just how tired he was today.
We went out early to Roundhay Park, stopping at Tescos nearby. I want to go back to that Tescos. They are in a very multicultural area with a lot of different faiths, so all the signs for deals for Ramadan are up and I got 4kg of rice for £4. They sell sacks of rice and all sorts of goodies and I recently purchased a middle eastern cookbook. I shall go back with DH when I don't need to bring bear. He is good when shopping, but not enthusiastic.
I picked up a few bits for a picnic and then we found our way to Roundhay park for a picnic breakfast. Bear had been so good all morning, pleasant and polite and not complaining at all. He sat next to me on the picnic blanket, curled up and when to sleep. I haven't seen him do anything like that for years. He had about twenty minutes nap. He is currently watching Tom and Jerry on the sofa and I am hoping he will drift off again, poor tired lad. He is still not happy about me sleeping upstairs but he gets to wake up and then go back to sleep on the sofa.
I wish we could go to see darling uncle today, but it's just not practical. He has had an operation and is doing okay. I need to learn to drive soon.
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