Friday, 22 May 2009

What a day!

I am not sure what time it will show on the 'time posted' stamp, but locally it is 11.30 am and I am frazzled.

Darling father swore that he would be arriving Wednesday, as Tuesday involves golf, possibly the longest stretch at the 19th hole. But there was football Wednesday night. Then Thursday is scrabble night - well, he says scrabble but he has a lady love in the group and it does involve late nights and alcohol.

So he says he will be here this morning.

Yesterday I couldn't move much from my chair (hence loads of posts) as my ladybits were playing up. Besides, if I left little bear in the living room to eg try and do some cooking then he would be in the study in a blink. I have got into the habit of unplugging the computer when I leave it, but little bear still rearranges the items and some of them are expensive.

Last night poor dear heart (as well as working on his work from work until 9.30pm) fitted a safety gate across the door to the study, in the hope that I would be able to blink.

This morning little bear not only managed to dislodge the new gate from the frame, he also managed to dislodge the gate down to the kitchen. The stairs to the kitchen are extremely steep and there is no handrail. I am terrified of him trying to get down them. This occurred while I was trying to heat up a morning bottle.

He also found the finger paints - I really need a safe place to stash them. I am so blessed he didn't have time to get into them.

After a very unsatisfactory attempt at a solid breakfast I took him upstairs. I need to clean the room darling father is staying in, remake ALL the beds, clean the bathroom and get rid of lots of rubbish and get the laundry downstairs. I managed to empty a bin. Little bear was not happy that I was there and he was in his room, so I came downstairs. He went to sleep.

And I have been having dizzy spells since. So I am sitting down, taking it easy because when darling father arrives I will be in dervish mode.

It isn't even lunch time!

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