Friday, 29 October 2010

Clutterbust fail

Darling father has helped sort out the stalls for the Methodist fair tomorrow.

He came back with six large whisky glasses, an electronic human weighing scale and a huge electronic helicopter for little bear.


On the same day as darling uncle decided he would buy a shedload of comics for little bear - all with 'goodies' (aka plastic tat) on the front.


Never mind, upward and onward. I think charting what is coming in and what is going out is a good thing. At least it is a help to focus.


Ian said...

It was bound to happen. Have you ever known ANY of our family to visit a sale and NOT come back with anything? Even DF is susceptible. I would have thought he already had enough whisky glasses though. He had some nice ones in the Port.

I was talking to my pal about Little Bear being passionately attached to toys. She recommends the 'poor children who don't have any toys who'd be so glad to have them to play with if he doesn't want them anymore' speech lol. I hope you don't mind me discussing LB with friends - all of whom have sons of their own by the way.

Wannabe Sybil said...

I am happy for LB to extend his fan club - you can vouch for this, Ian, he is a charmer.

(yes, biased mum, but still).

The works are definitely calling to me. The books etc went to the Methodists, but further culling will go to the Green Party bric a brac stall. Hugs WS x