Thursday, 17 February 2011

Little bear in trouble

Little bear and I went to a local shopping centre. He was not brilliant at the bus stop, hurtling round, though he didn't disturb others there as there wasn't anyone. He was pretty good on the bus, and in the White Rose Centre, and getting Grandad's whisky and such. He got treated to a fireman's outfit and a biscuit.

Then on the way home he told me to shut up.

I tried to give him the impression that the sky had fallen on his head, I don't know how successful I was. I am not impressed.

It is parent's evening tonight, and he normally would get treats for good reports. Should he get a good report, all bets are now off.

Also, he told me to shut up when I was insisting that we went the shorter way home rather than up and along and down which he had the energy for but I didn't.


Morgan said...

It's a really difficult one - sometimes the more you tell them off for saying things like that, the more they say them because it is getting attention! I have heard that telling them politely but firmly that it is not nice to say such a phrase and then ignoring them is a good approach - and then giving them lots of attention when they are polite and don't use the offending words....Good luck!! Hugs, too!

Ian said...

I'm trying to think of what would have happened if we'd told either our parents or our grandparents to shut up.

Early bed and no treats for a week definitely.

What a naughty Little Bear!

Witch Hazel said...

I wonder if you acting more hurt rather than angry, imght be more effective. Little Bear doesn't sound like a normally spiteful child, and certainly not a child who likes to hurt people. Once you've done your "hurt" bit, then you could follow Morgan's advice, and explain that it's not nice.
Good luck xx