Sunday, 30 October 2011

Need to adjust irony

Little bear and I went round the Beck Isle Museum in Pickering (which I LOVED). There was a little questionnaire which was supposed to be filled in by little bear, but I used mainly as a way of getting talking points. We missed one question, but got the others right.

The volunteer behind the counter said that, even though I had helped a lot, and even though he had missed a question, he could still have the reward of the 35p stick of rock (questionnaire cost £1 - it's to raise funds). Little bear's face lit up with joy at getting a small stick of pineapple rock. I said, ironically, 'He doesn't see sweets from one year's end to the next.' From the look on her face, I think she thought I actually meant that.

Little bear has just come back from his Auntie's Halloween do with enough sugar products to put the entire street into a diabetic coma. I am frantically wondering how to reduce his sugar intake, especially as he has all the adults in his orbit wrapped around his little finger. I was so ironic to the lady in the museum, but I think I need to make sure that use irony only to those who understand it.

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