Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Little bear is trying

Little bear is being very trying. I can't wait for whatever lurgy is lurking to break because I don't know how much sanity I will have by the end of the day.

This morning he decided he wouldn't have breakfast until the lamp post outside went out - no idea where that came from - but he was HUNGRY. This was how he woke me up and it was a great start to the day, trying to negotiate what on earth he wanted. In the end I said flatly he could ask for breakfast when he wanted but I wasn't going to keep checking out of the window to see if the light was still on.

His temper when I actually wanted to watch the weather was really quite funny. He stomped around, threw things that wouldn't break onto safe surfaces and pulled faces of fury. He does very safe tantrums.

He is going to a piano lesson tonight. Two buses there, a second lesson in a strange place, two buses back mean a lot of opportunity for the world to be not as it should be.

This is all normal for a pre-gruesome cold. As soon as his cold breaks he will be back to normal. I am so looking forward to that!

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