Monday 23 April 2012

Wean - sounds an odd thing, but I have the comment vetting enabled, so if you put up your email I will not publish it, and I will email you back. (love to hear from you!)

All experience and anecdotage says that if you put an email into the public domain you will sink under spam. Also you can be targetted by all sorts of scammers. I believe that there are more good people in the world than bad, but sometimes the bad are a bit more visible. They make more waves! Good people make calm.

I have been almost paralysed by that message about the Forgotten Village. I managed to get some slinky stuff through the washer and onto the airer, waiting for those to try and I hope to find the bottom of the wash basket by the end of the week. The ironing looks beyond hope.

No reputable publisher would normally touch something that is already in the public domain - I know that much. I was thinking of trying to self publish some stuff on kindle, as you don't need to pay an up front fee. However I have no idea about publicity or anything. And as it is (I believe) quite a visual story that would translate well onto eg tv or cartoon, then I could lose a lot of money signing those rights over. And it wouldn't matter if the text was in the public domain.

My honest strategy - to publish The Forgotten Village and Digging up the Past on kindle together with a third story (as yet unnamed) as each one at 99p, and perhaps the collected bundle as £2.50. The Forgotten Village is in the public domain on fiction press anyway. That is, if I would be allowed to charge such low prices. I have only briefly looked into the logistics, but it sounds very plausible if I go through

But someone has thought my writing is worth money has thrown me. It is unexpected - out of the blue. I mean, I would always think, 'well, when I write a bestseller...' but I haven't taken it really seriously.

I suppose that I do believe that there are more good people out there than bad people. This could be a good person. I just wish I had some idea of what to do.

1 comment:

Kitty Greene said...

I think your writing is very readable - and 'morish' if I can use that term.
It's your personal style and I think you should pursue it further.
It seems you have done some homework anyway, I wish you great success - now that you know your work is 'in demand' don't let this opportunity pass you by ! and don't let anyone else put their name on it girl !
You can buy a new dishwasher with all your royalties !
Have you checked out clickbank ? just a thought, but I think that's more for information products.
I'll email you later, I have to dash to the vet now.