Monday, 18 June 2012

It's a start

I have already bought little bear eight shirts for school next year (and actually, the end of this last bit of term as well, as he has trashed the old ones and is therefore now sort of sitting in the new shirts).  I got them at M&S, 20% off (lasts until 10 July) and so I got eight shirts for £22.40. 

Today I went online via quidco and ordered the uniform and ordered 10 vests, six pairs of trousers and five sweaters, which should see little bear at least until Christmas.  So I started off with 3% cashback.  Then I spent more than £25 so I had free delivery.  Then I bought uniform so it was 20% off.  And finally I paid for all but £4 of the total via a gift card which I had loaded as a member of my family club which got me £50 for £47.50.  The total I spent on uniform was £54, so I think it works out at @ £20 I saved.

I am quite pleased with that, and happy to be on here gloating about it.  Of course, I still haven't got on with all sorts of other stuff that I should have done, but that has really cheered me up.  Of course, as I was buying for a six year old it wasn't too bad.  When he is in a teenager, I think it will be a bit harder to shave off those pennies. 

As for the uniform that we bought so hopefully last September?  A lot of it still fits, he is still wearing the same trousers but they don't look quite as crisp.  The polo shirts were rejected out of hand, as were the long sleeved shirts.  The short sleeved shirts I bought in February look like the cuffs took part in extreme gardening and the collars are looking very shabby, but all the buttons have stayed on, which is something.  There are a few that ended up stained with pen etc, that have not been salvageable. The sweatshirts are more or less, by and large, on the whole, still fitting him, and are looking relatively okay, but I wouldn't use them for 'smart'.  So this year it could have been worse. 

There are no uniform swaps at the school, and the headteacher is very keen that all uniform should be bought new.  As they don't insist on logos and allow supermarket buys, I think it is actually okay, and some of the uniform that kids wear in to school look like nothing on earth anyway.  I don't know anyone with younger ones to pass on little bear's old uniform (that is still in any way fit).  I am sure I shall think of something.  If all else fails, I shall ask in the office to see if they know a good place to donate them. 

1 comment:

Morgan said...

"The headteacher is very keen that all uniform is bought new" sounds a bit draconian and unsympathetic on his/her part - don't they realise that people appreciate being able to use second hand items, especially when there may be several children in the family and money may be tight? Donating it to a very local charity shop would perhaps ensure that people in need would be able to access them.
I have passed uniform on to friends from church, and through other organisations like Brownies where I know that children still go to the same school. If you are buying excellent quality like M&S, I can't imagine that there is NO wear left in things by the time LB has grown out of them! You are doing a marvellous job sorting out all these savings - well done xxx