Friday, 22 June 2012

Operation Clutterbust is back!

Goodness, I didn't realise it was so long since I had posted!  And perhaps it is just as well as for the last few days I have been like a rottweiler with toothache.  And not in a good way.  I have not been fit for company. 

However, being in a temper (no idea why, btw, but it has been foul) has worked wonders on my work rate.  On Wednesday I got rid of a shopping trolley full of clothes to one of those shops that buy second hand clothes.  I was so nervous they would pick on every microscopic mark and loose thread.  Actually it got tipped on a heap and I got £3.15 for 6.3 kilos.  I am glad for that money.  Not only is it nice to have money coming in instead of money going out, it was a sort of enablement for me to get rid of things that I couldn't put in the bin.  I also posted out a box of clothes to where I hope they will be useful.  This cost me money and I do not begrudge a single, solitary penny.  Not only do I think it a worthwhile thing, but also it enabled me to get rid!

It is now Friday lunchtime, the shopping trolley is full again and I have nearly filled two more small boxes.  It makes less than a dent than you would think, as I have mainly cleared a large mound on a table, but there is still a shedload of stuff that has slipped down the back and sides of furniture, and a lot of stuff that I want to keep but need a home for.  However I am aiming to have this house rid of excess clothing by the end of the month.

I am not very firm on this.  There are bound to be bits, bobs, odds and ends left over.  They can go to the shop as and when.  Or a charity shop, or the neighbours' young grandson, or for rags.  The important point is that there should be no big piles of clothes that need to be sorted out 'when I get round to it'.  I am getting round to it now!

And I am insisting OH gets rid of any clothes that he is unlikely to wear.  Apart from meaning that there then may be places to put my clothes, it helps the room breath and sort of lightens the house.  I also think that if there are less clothes then it is easier to keep on top of things, as you know where things are and there aren't enough things to overwhelm you.  If you only have half a dozen shirts, then you can't put off doing ironing until there are none left ironed and then suddenly find yourself faced with ironing thirty shirts.

Poor OH - I hope he doesn't feel picked on.  However I have made him promise that he gets rid of all that he doesn't want.  He can keep anything he likes without having to justify anything.  After all, he is the one who wears the things. 

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