Poor bear, the ear ache is back. As is usual with bear the pain started when there was no chance of a doctor's appointment. It would be nice if he just once was poorly on a Monday.
He is dosed up with calpol and keeps half waking and crying. I suspect I will have a busy night. However it does not explain or excuse why I managed to buy a job lot of handbags for under £15 including postage. I could do with one bag, and just one. The one I thought was okay isn't, the straps have gone, and I thought that eventually I would replace my current one. Perhaps by Christmas. This does not account for nearly two dozen bags and clutches winging their way to me.
Half of me is hoping that the seller will refuse to complete because they haven't reached a decent price. I can't imagine why I bid on them in the first place - one of them is pink! I don't do pink.
I am sure I will be able to do something with them.
Has Bear been circumsised? Seems like a stupid question I know, but, many years ago I had a friend who's son had constant ear . It turned out that he had a tight foreskin, this slowed down expulsion of urine, which caused low grade kidney infection, which left him susceptable(sp) to ear infection. Sounds barmy I know, but it worked.
Sorry about the spelling, but it's silly o'clock in the morning!
He hasn't been circumcised. I think all is okay there as I have had battles getting him to keep it clean in the past. Boys! I shall revisit that battle. Thanks. Sorry to hear all about the havoc at work, fingers crossed things pick up!! WS xxx
Sybs I am not a great fan of the Dr's unless things are serious so I tend to use home remedies.My Dad always used warm Olive Oil in our ears when we had earache and it always worked but we looked stupid with cottonwool sticking out of the ailing ear lol
I googled and found a link for a few other remedies for Earache and thought it might be useful for you if only to give you a giggle.My personal favourite is wafting an Onion over the poorly ear lol
ravylesley - bear has had olive oil from the chemists dropped in with a posh dropper. He was unimpressed. I shall check out the link and share with bear. I will let you know how that goes. Thank you! WS xxx
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