Tuesday 28 October 2008

Little bear

Little bear is soundly napping, and I am so glad. He has been so tired. He had a rotten day yesterday which ended with him being extremely sick. I am actually oddly proud - he has not been sick for the first 21 months of his life, so I have done something right. I wasn't actually happy that he was sick. Poor little bear - he was having his night time bottle when he pushed it away, and just let everything flow - all over me, himself, the carpet... I managed to keep his favourite toy out of the stream thank goodness.

At this point I braced myself for a hectic evening and started singing and cuddling him as I got him and me changed and the carpet mopped up. Dear heart was wonderful as he had just gone downstairs after his duties of Reader of the Bedtime Story had finished and he came belting up with clean clothes for little bear and an extra pair of hands. But little bear was just smiling happily. So I put him in his cot along with the usual menagerie of soft toys and he went straight to sleep. Dear heart, who can creep quieter than I, checked out that he was well, and he was. He woke up as happy as you like at 6am.

He is now having an extended nap, but yesterday's naps seemed a little unsatisfactory and the day before his naps were entirely absent, as he was far too tired for sleep. I know I 'ought' to be performing housewifery while he sleeps however as I am still so woozy so I am indulging myself.

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