Sunday 9 May 2010

Chapter Eight

Due to complex computer gyrations (darling father staying has had an effect on logistics) Revised Chapter Seven is not up but Chapter Eight is

I can't wait to get going on the next chapter.

The revision in Chapter Seven is only of some description in the fight scene, but it is important to me. It will get there, I promise.


Witch Hazel said...

Hi Sybil
Another great chapter.. I'm always torn between reading immediately, or waiting until there are two chapters so I can get really chunky hit in one go. I haven't managed to hold out and wait for two chapters though. In a previous posting you mentioned you were worried about things like accidentally changing the colour or a character's eyes. One way round this is to keep a record "card" for each character, and to note on it things like their physical characteristics, and then you can add notes as things happen to them, or we discover their likes/dislikes, anything that might cause you to slip up. If you start a sheet as soon as you introduce a character, it won't be a pain to keep up to date.
Finally, just a teeny typo, you refer to Chris as Christ in the para beginning "Karen shook her head helplessly...".
Can't wait to read the next installment, it's very gripping!
THanks for sharing

Wannabe Sybil said...

Eeeek - Chris was an important plot device, but not that important!!!!

Thank you for telling me.

There should be plenty more coming in the next few weeks. Writing saves my sanity and I have my father staying lol. WS x