Monday 17 May 2010


Chapter Nine is now up.

I have the next few chapters clear in my head, but then I have a bit of a block. I will see how it goes.

The other thing I have been wrestling with is adult content.

I really would like to make a living as an author, and putting things on fiction press is a way of getting me out there. The feedback I have had from here as well has been really wonderful. However I have chosen to rate The Forgotten Village as a T, as it is more visible. This is for teenagers. Given what some teenagers get up to nowadays that should give me free rein, but the guidelines are quite explicit (unlike the permitted content). Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.

So do I have Karen wake up next to a love interest after a night of passion (night of passion not described etc), or is it just a romantic kiss? Hmm. Both could work with the plot, but I think sex is a bit more interesting.

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