Monday 30 July 2012

I hate finishing things

I am clearing behind the chairs in the living room and stopped counting unfinished knitting projects when I got to five.

I really, really, really hate finishing things, and I don't understand why.  I have literally sat with one project in front of me to goad me into finishing a project.  I am really short of sweaters - I love wearing gorgeous baggy sweaters - but I have at least four started.  And they are not hard ones either, just your basic, standard, stocking stitch long line boring clothing to keep warm with sweater.  Doing the last inch on a scarf is murder.

I think watching the Olympics while knitting will be a good way for me to go forward.  Little bear permitting, of course...

Two big areas where I need to make time.  The books I want to read are going to be put (one at a time!) in the bathroom with a bookmark.  This got me the chance to read about Anglo Saxon nutrition, which I really enjoyed.  I prefer UHT milk as well - no accounting for taste.  And I am going to be watching Grimm every night and knitting for at least an hour.  That will finish off the blanket, I hope, soon.  Then another half hour listening to some Bible study tapes while doing the more complicated stuff should take care of that.

Now all I need to do is get off the browsing, finish - yes, finish - clearing behind the chairs, and slot in some writing time. I have the ideas for at least half a dozen novels and several of them started.   I just need to finish this one I am writing first.

Morgan - it was the most lovely day out.  Little bear had a marvellous time.  I must work out how to do it again!

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