Friday 9 July 2010

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen is up, but be warned, it is @ 3500 words, a big chunk.

I don't think I am giving too much away by saying that I am getting near to the end, but I need to figure out how to top that action scene and try and have a great climax.

Just to be clear, I have no intention of describing any wedding lol

I would also point out that I am just over 58,000 words total, and I am quite pleased with that. Thank you for all the support, it has made a fantastic difference.

Darn, just as I thought I could safely press publish post, I have thought how I could use the wedding as part of the climax....



Witch Hazel said...

Another great chapter, Syb, thank you. Interested to know why Mike is single??

Wannabe Sybil said...

I had thought about that...

But no room left to put it in. Carl is single because the lass he loved rejected the Village she grew up in and moved to London, where some of Lord Lothar's contacts got her a high flying job...

See, I do think lol! WSx