Wednesday 25 July 2012

Randomly Random

I was up late last night waiting for darling father and OH to come in - they went out to a big band Jazz Night last night.  Then I had interesting dreams.  Seriously - listening to someone else's dreams is a bit boring, but the sensation of waking up thinking, 'What!!!' after dreaming of cybermen in fancy frocks, including a rather fetching off the shoulder hot pink number meant that when little bear woke me up I felt a bit disorientated. 

I couldn't do too much last night as little bear ended up asleep in the living room.  The kitchen is wall to wall washing up and chaos.  Do not start about the ironing, I look at it and whimper.  I got nothing ready.

And as I am wandering around, dazed and confused, I am supposed to be getting everything ready for a trip to Scarborough.  My darling brother is taking little bear and I out. 

I am on here trying to wake up.  I will let everyone know how the day went, and what random items went with me.  At the moment, anything could end up with us - but actually that's not too bad for a day on the beach in the English summer weather. 


Morgan said...

Where are you, Sybil? Haven't had a post in a few days, so I do hope you are OK xxx

Wannabe Sybil said...

Morgan - thank you for the hug - tummy bug - anything more is far tmi! lol but thanks again for the hug! WS xxx