Monday 9 February 2009

I should be in bed

I am exhausted and have had a headache bordering on a migraine all day, leaving poor little bear very short changed.

I really need to be in bed, I am so exhausted. But last night I dreamt there was a funeral in the street, and I don't want to dream that again. Silly, very silly, but I have always dreamt very vividly and a nightmare can unsettle me all day.

Besides, it sounds like yet another extremely shouty time from the people at the back, which means I can expect no rest till after midnight.

I hate having vivid dreams, it always feels like omens, and now I will be watching over my shoulder for at least a week in case I do stumble into a funeral. My late mother would watch for crows settling on houses, and although the dratted birds no doubt always perched there, she only seemed to notice them when it was 'boding'. It is extremely likely that in the normal course of events I will see evidence of funereal practices - there is a funeral parlour at the end of the street.

If it was sunlight I would be almost sniggering at this, but I am so suggestible, and uncomfortably aware that I can imagine myself into a right state. So I am twitchy because of the nightmare and extremely irritated because I am twitchy.

Regardless, the racket from the people who are shouting death threats at each other in the room next to my bedroom means that I am up for at least another hour. I may try dozing on the sofa.

1 comment:

Sophie Gist said...

Hi Sybil, so sorry to hear about your broken sleep and the folks next door - have you tried lavender oil & water spray on your pillow? I also get the herbal sleep tablets from Boots, taking one or two helps when I am anxious (which has also been the case this week, so I know what you mean). My hubby sleeps throuhg anything but I definately need a good night's sleep - so here's to hoping it happens!