Wednesday 18 February 2009

It's evil cat's fault really

Evil cat's special food came with lots of shredded paper as packaging, which I discovered as little bear and I unpacked the large cardboard box. I had expected little bear to play with the box, but he immediately headed for the shredded paper.

Now, in a perfect world I would have said something like, 'no, don't do that, go play with your nice toys...' and he would have happily run off. But I am far from perfect (though little bear is quite near it in my opinion) and I just threw a big handful up in the air above him. His giggles were gorgeous, and he kept handing me more handfuls of the stuff to throw. By the time poor dear heart came in the best way to describe the living room was 'strewn'. There were shreds of paper everywhere!

Poor evil cat is really getting elderly. Once upon a time she would have been chasing it all over the house, now she just looked disgusted. Little bear kept getting it out again and shrieking with laughter. I picked up a lot of the paper, lots and lots of times. It was wonderful.

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