Thursday 21 May 2009


The bollards have gone. It seems such a short time since they appeared without warning. Now they have disappeared with the same lack of ceremony.

I sometimes need to remind myself not to let little bear stray too far in the road, as we live near a blind corner, and cars come round at such a rate. I know it made things awkward for a lot of people, dear heart included, and there is the principle of someone just shoving in bollards without so much as a by your leave, but the white vans now rattle past at speed. To no real purpose as both exits to my road are extremely busy with lots of people who don't let other cars out.

(in fairness to some of the drivers, I have been very kindly allowed to cross when cars stop when trying to get little bear across the road).

Rumours of tarmac continue, but I am not convinced that they will come to anything. You see, part of the road is owned in common by four houses, owned by three separate people. Who don't like each other. This may be an obstacle to agreement.

I can't wait to move

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