Tuesday 26 May 2009

Darling father and little bear

Darling father loves little bear. And as is natural, especially of family of that age, he brought goodies. He brought pears, chocolate and jelly babies. Of course he wanted to give sweet things to his grandson.

Well, Friday little bear impressed him by eating nearly all of most of two pears, which did not surprise me. Saturday we went out, and little bear had some treats but within reason. Sunday we did not go out, little bear was showing signs of exhaustion. This meant there was a greater opportunity to treat.

First of all there was the succession of jelly babies. Little bear was getting more and more hyper. I do give him sweets (far too many probably) but not in these quantities. Finally I said firmly that he should have no more jelly babies. 'Do you want some chocolate, little bear?' asked darling father five minutes later.

And to add to the fun, darling father revelled in little bear's ability to drink out of a cup - specifically Sprite, which is lovely, great in moderation, but it has lots of sugar and even some caffeine and is not perhaps the best choice for a hyped up toddler. Especially after darling father pretended to pour whisky into the cup as well.

By the time teatime came little bear was bouncing off the walls. I was tearing my hair out and dear heart was gently fuming. We actually abandoned all attempts to get him to eat tea, fought to get him to have a bottle of milk and struggled through the night time routine, after which he collapsed and slept for hours.

Memo to self - limit sugar.

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