Tuesday 26 May 2009

Little bear and candy floss

Little bear had his first experience of candyfloss last Saturday. I was not in a hurry to give him neat sugar, but he is of an age now when he could enjoy it.

Or not.

I wish I could convey the deep suspicion he showed at his first exposure to candyfloss. If I could properly describe the depths of mistrust he showed I would win the Nobel prize for literature with ease. Dear heart broke off a piece of candyfloss and took a bite, handing the remainder to little bear. Little bear looked at the the pink stuff in his hands and then looked at dear heart, clearly saying, 'you are having a laugh, right?' Darling father tried taking a bite from the piece in little bear's hand. Little bear just raised a sceptical eyebrow. He was not convinced at all.

I think he managed two or three morsels, but in the end he wouldn't even lick the few stray fibres off his fingers. I had to abandon the attempt.

Maybe later in the summer.

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