Friday 9 October 2009

Little bear is tired

Yesterday was a challenge for little bear. He was up at six with a serious nappy. Then he had a drs appt with a child development specialist. This was at 11am. It was running late. She said that every time she saw him he looked pale. I said he had just had a tummy bug while thinking that each time he had had an appointment due just before a nap time and they had been running late...

Apparently he is doing alright but she is sending him for hearing tests, speech therapy and considers he may be slightly under developed in understanding. In hindsight I think this is because she asked him to pretend to make a cup of tea, and due to the strange layout of our house he has never seen a cup of tea made. He seems to understand alright to me. Regrettably well in some cases.

Then it was nursery. I didn't want him to miss it, he gets so much benefit. He had a great time and came home wearing a quantity of soup.

He came home and then there was tea, followed by a bit of a play... Lots of tears as he got frustrated and tired and he had such a sore bottom. According to the specialist the bottom back teeth are now coming through and that will take some time. Sigh. More Metalin (? can't remember the exact name, recommended, fantastic stuff that little bear calls (approximately) yellow bum cream).

He had a bottle while listening to a story, got off my lap and just lay on the floor and shut his eyes. He then slept through to eight. It was wonderful.


J's Mummy said...


Wannabe Sybil said...

That's the exact one, thank you!

Little bear's bottom was perfect this morning, red raw and painful this afternoon - I foresee a wonderful few days of obsessing about little bear's bum lol. WS x

J's Mummy said...

The things we mothers obsess about!

Hard up Hester said...

My son was considered 'behind' in developement at 2-3 because he couldn't skip & I was made to feel very inferior. But they'd had no concerns over the fact that he didn't walk til he was 18 months.