Tuesday 2 February 2010

I also have a snotty eye. I am not amused.

The dr has kindly given the diagnosis of conjunctivitis. LB is too shattered to move, but it is too cold to take him upstairs to nap, so I am off to try and coax him to sleep on my lap.

Poor little mite is almost falling asleep over the chocolate buttons that he insisted I bought and now is too tired to eat.

Also - I am desperate for little bear to have some time in nursery so I can get on with some things, but it doesn't look like this week. And of course I feel guilty for not wanting my little boy with me. Sigh.


Hard up Hester said...

We get conjuctovitis epidemics at school sometimes, it's ragingly contagious with kids & we have to send them home in droves. Hope you & LB both feel better soon.

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you for that hug, much needed, he is getting better, I am more fed up than anything else. Dear heart is taking precautions. WS x