Thursday 30 December 2010

Operation Clutterbust 11

Today I emptied six one litre bottles of UHT milk down the sink. They had expired August 2009, but had been stored in an awkward corner. Another two litres of orange juice of an even older vintage went with it.

Wrapping paper has been binned, as has the multitude of cardboard boxes. At least the ones that little bear can bear to part with.

I did add a stack of wrapping paper, but I have identified a place for it. I have also comfort bought two 50g balls of weird yarn which ends up looking like a long pile bath mat. I managed to stop myself buying 1600g of copper coloured chenille in the nick of time!

OH is busy identifying things he wants to go. It is hard for me, he identified an ornament that he didn't want, and I agreed that I didn't want to keep it. So he threw it in the bin. That is so hard for me, my instinct is to say, recycle, charity, possibly ebay. Several items ended up like that, none of them family things or anything, but it is a little uncomforting. I have marked an equivalent on my bar to keep my tally and my spirits up.

Now concerned about the multiplicity of jigsaws that little bear has now accumulated and how on earth do I store them? I was really proud when I managed to throw out a Vanish container. I may have been a little hasty.

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