Wednesday 22 August 2012

Little bear is Wonderful

Little bear saw me feeling poorly and a bit low.  So he gave me his ratatouille to cuddle.  It is a soft stuffed rat that is little bear's bestest friend in the world and he is very protective of it.  The only other person ever to be allowed to cuddle it is his girlfriend. 

I felt like I was covered in cuddles, and little bear got a lot of leeway from it.  This included him bringing down all of his stuffed toys and telling me that they were his kids.  They overflowed the sofa, and desperately need thinning out..  But how can I take his kids away from him - especially after I've had a cuddle from his rat?


ravylesley said...

Easy open bin bag and insert cuddlies *insert evil mummy laugh here* lol

Wannabe Sybil said...

Soooooo tempted, but will approach with caution. Little bear counted and we had over one hundred cuddles (though tickles count double), how could I mess with that? WSxxx