Thursday 18 July 2013

Not good in mornings

I am really not good in the morning.  I am an evening person.  I believe that there should only be one six am in the day and that should be in the evening.  Bear is the opposite.

So at 7.15am bear was wandering around the garden picking up stones that his 'friend' had taken out of their bucket and scattered around the garden.  There are two issues here.  There is the issue of the stones.  Bear has identified the stones as 'pretty', 'sparkly', moonrock, granite and marble.  Actually they are bits of aggregate that has been dumped in the holes in the street.  I am not sharing this.  Then there is the issue of his 'friend'.  I don't like to say too much because the friend is only young and stuff stays on the internet and if I started I probably wouldn't stop.  However I am probably the only adult on the street willing to give the 'friend' the benefit of any doubt at all and they have pushed their luck with me a few times.  I am on pins every time bear plays out.  But they can go well together, and it could all be good for bear.

I am not getting caught up in the whole 'stones' business.  That is up to bear, as long as he empties them out of his pockets before I wash his clothes.  If I want stone washed clothes I will purchase them.


ravylesley said...

I love mornings and to me nothing is better on sunny days than roaming the house at 5am and cleaning up while all the tinies are in bed.Its so quiet,peaceful and cool.Its the evenings that I cant cope with as the 5am starts mean that by 9pm I am pooped


Wannabe Sybil said...

I used to love doing an early Sunday at Macdonalds, twenty five years ago, when all was calm and you could just potter around topping up those suffering from hangovers with coffee and burgers. It was in the days when clubs shut at 2am so no drunks, just very quiet people. I am still a night owl at heart, though, but being trained by bear! WS xxx