Wednesday 8 September 2010


I often feel a bad mother because I don't know how to paint with little bear. Usually I set up dishes of paints, water, paper, brushes and a mat. Then I encourage him to enjoy himself. When the paint runs out then paint time is over. I have different coloured paper and different foam stickers and I encourage him to 'do sticking'. I must try harder. I do read a lot to him, and there is always sticker books - like death and taxes. Little bear adores the sort of sticker books where you have to match a sticker from a sheet to a space on the page. We are up to 935 in his 1000 sticker book. Actually, it is great cuddle time.

As for the tummy issues, I have been trying to take ibuprofen to help the tendonitis, aches etc. I think that it has not helped. Also I have gone up a strength in the anti depressants which also affects tummies. Sigh. I feel like a tube. On the other hand, I do get some reading on the loo. There is always a bright side.


Morgan said...

In my past life as an Usborne person, I sold loads of the kinds of sticker book you mention. Unfortunately, I still have boxes of them. If you want to send me a comment which I won't publish, with your address, I would be over the moon to send LB a small parcel of them to extend his enjoyment, if not yours!!!!!!!! I have some Farmyard Tales ones, some with fairytales and assorted others - he'll love them! And my husband would be for ever in your debt for allowing me to pass them on to you as he is always going on at me to get the shed cleared out. You're most welcome to them for free.

Ian said...

Stop putting so much pressure on yourself about the art! The most important thing is that LB has fun being creative. He'll be doing more 'formal' guided stuff at nursery, and in a year or so at primary school.

You know, you take the time to get out the paints, dress up LB in his painting gear, get out the paints, papers, card - all the kit and you sit and interact with him. What on earth is 'bad' about that?

If you want suggestions I'm sure you could do things like making shapes - squares, circles, etc. Or guide him to 'drawing' a picture of a tree or a house or of mummy and daddy. Or of the dragon under the stairs!

Art Attack on CITV and SmART on CBBC usually have some great ideas.

And that's an amazing offer Morgan!

Wannabe Sybil said...

Morgan - you are so kind! I will be in touch on your blog. Thank you so much for the generous offer. Please make sure that I am the one that pays the postage - and little bear will love them. He LUBS stickers... And I do get to cuddle him while he sticks. Thank you so much! WS x

Morgan said...

I have a large padded envelope ready for posting - perhaps tomorrow or Friday I will get to the PO with them. I'll put a note in. Thank you for accepting the offer and trusting ME with your info - not everyone would. And I will be happy thinking of LB enjoying the stickers, which is far better than them gathering dust in my shed!!


Wannabe Sybil said...

Morgan - your blog and your posts are full of the joy of other people. You are always looking outside yourself. That's a very trustworthy (and praiseworthy) trait. Also, you mentioned that you wished you could write. You can, your posts are interesting, well written and entertaining. If you found a plot you loved, you would have no problem. And thank you again for the kindness. I really do appreciate it. WS x