Sunday 26 September 2010

Poor little bear

As I type this, little bear is happy tucking into porridge and generally full of beans. Last night was a different matter. He had ear ache, and he was crying with it. If you had seen him with his eyes shutting with exhaustion and then waking up and holding his ears, you would have felt for him. I did manage to get him to sleep for a while as I sang him to sleep which I hadn't done for years. But he woke again.

He told me that 'ears not working'. I asked him if he could hear me. He shook his head forlornly and told me he couldn't hear me...

That kept me going for a few hours, until he calmed down, the baby nurofen kicked in and he had spent far too many hours on the sofa refusing to drift off. He is in fine fettle this morning, although I think it is doctor time, as I don't want to risk his ears.

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