Monday 24 August 2009

Grand Old Evil Cat

Evil cat has something of a dilemma. Doors should be opened for her on demand. So she will have a nice nap on the spare bed then trundle downstairs to mew at the door at the bottom of the stairs. According to her it should be opened immediately.

What then happens is that I disentangle myself from my knitting (blanket almost full size now!) and open the door. Little bear will also shriek with delight and go and stand at the foot of the stairs with me. Evil cat will take one look at little bear and trot back upstairs.

Five minutes later - repeat

Then ten minutes after - repeat

Then two minutes after - repeat

Then two minutes after that evil cat is obviously getting an urgent call to the litter tray so she will dither, feint and then go back up stairs. This will be repeated at least twice.

Finally the call of the litter tray will become too insistent for her to ignore so she will madly dash past the ecstatic little bear onto the top of the chair until I open the stair gate that leads to the steps to the kitchen. A tabby blur will then shoot past me and then stop - right in front of the gate. Little bear will shriek again and evil cat will make another dash upstairs...

Then repeat until I nudge her (gently - honest) with my foot and she finally goes downstairs to the kitchen.

So she's finally down.

Then she starts crying at the gate to go up. Little bear sees her and shrieks. She flees. But she will come back to start crying again in about five minutes. And I'll open the gate and she will get as far as the top of the chair...

I need the exercise anyway.


Morgan said...

What a palaver! Glad our cat is an outside cat - she's adopted us and lives under our verandah but refuses to come into the house any further than the kitchen, and then only briefly, and when the door remains open. As you say, you are getting plenty of exercise with yours!


Wannabe Sybil said...

I call her evil cat for a reason. lol.

WS x