Wednesday 29 June 2011

And again

Police in the street again last night. Apparently someone had made an allegation against nice mr next door.

Apart from anything else, he and I had been discussing the vexed question of bollards in the street for part of the evening, so really not possible and I offered to make a statement, but the police just assumed it was malicious allegation more or less from the beginning.

It is all so petty, and a lot of nothing. I just don't understand it.

As for the bollards - That Landlord wants to have bollards across the road. This would be okay as it would stop white vans using this as a rat run and make it significantly safer for kids. The vans go at silly speeds along an unmade road and round a blind corner.

Of course, it would mess up my deliveries and make it impossible to get a car out on slippy mornings, like the ones we had for a month at a time the last few winters. That is, if the only entrance we would have wasn't blocked off like it usually is with cars parked across and the parking either side from the new flats across the way.

Generally I am not in favour of not being able to either get deliveries or get our car out. Having a safer road would be nice, however.

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