Monday 27 June 2011

Too Hot

I can't cope with the cold and I can't cope with the heat. I am a complete wimp when it comes to weather. My circulation is a bit odd, so I don't always deal with temperatures - and this is suddenly so hot it is silly!

Only two weeks ago I was grateful for an open fire.

So I will be on enhanced watering can duty and I will be keeping my curtains shut.

As for what the weather will be next week, well, I wouldn't bet against a rain of frogs. British weather is notoriously changeable, and there has been volcanoes. According to Discovery Channel, volcanoes affect the weather. Of course, depending on the doomsday scenario they are predicting, it is either global warming (Permian extinction) or volcanic winter (That year without a summer, 1816, after the eruption of Mount Tambora, I looked it up on wikipedia)

However, while the weather lasts I am looking round for things to wash. I think I shall start rummaging round the old blankets, try and get them rinsed through while the going is good. Then I can either store or clutterbust.

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