Thursday 9 June 2011

Doctor Who

OH loves Doctor Who. That is fine. He has introduced little bear to Doctor Who, which I was a bit wary about. However little bear is suitably scared, very protective about Amy the Doctor's assistant and tells all sorts of stories about good Daleks and bad Daleks.

I am okay with it. I loved the Christopher Eccleston stuff, I think the last two series could end up real classic moments like the best of the Tom Baker stuff and I am amused by little bear's serious contemplation of the whole matter.

I have two observations with this.

The first is that I think Rory, Amy's husband, is much better looking than the Doctor and when speaking carefully has a more than a hint of Richard Burton tones. I am a sucker for a good voice.

The second observation is that during the last episode we were introduced to a Silurian warrior and her lady friend who were based in late Victorian London ('How was Jack the Ripper?' 'Okay - a bit stringy' after the Silurian Victorian vigilante had disposed of him). I would love to see a series with them, I really would. I thought that they were marvellous.

The next episodes are in autumn. Little bear can't wait

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