Thursday 28 January 2010

Trying not to spend

Last night I was drifting off to sleep considering Lent. I usually like to do something as well as give up something. My late mother did things towards the end as what with stomach cancer, chemotherapy, arthritis and dairy intolerance there wasn't that much that she could give up.

So I thought - I could read evening prayer to myself every night. I suppose I'll need a Lectionary, look on ebay - oh no! Well, if I do decide that and if I do need a lectionary (not sure that I will) then I can always go online to the CofE website. And that is much more money saving.

Also little bear has persuaded me to put new batteries in his little Bob the Builder pretend safety hat with a light on the front. Duracell last a maximum of twelve hours because he won't turn the dratted thing off. I know - rechargeable batteries from ebay - oh no! But I am confident I will be able to pick them up elsewhere and it is a great reason for me to get out of the house and get shopping.

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