Saturday 13 October 2012

Computer still absent

I am typing this excrutiatingly slowly on a spare computer that is very elderly, very temperamental and grumbles about all this newfangled stuff like 'blogs', when it was a micro chip there were none of these things around, people stuck to what they knew...

I am waiting until we have a fully functional computer before starting to do a proper, figures written down type budget, but I am considering a lot of things, including the best way to save money. 

On the bright side - I can see the adverts and I am enjoying them a great deal.  On a more serious note, this elderly box is one I used years and years ago, and it has a copy of Sword Searcher on, which is a computerised concordance, and lets me search for all sorts of quotes from the Bible.  This is research and important for an upcoming bit of writing I hope to publish in the New Year.  I hope to get some time in working on that - saving it in Google Documents (if the computer recognises that!) for when we switch back to a current machine. 

As an aside - I think I need to make my writing a part of my job description as well.  If I do it right, it may actually end up as a job description.  A timetable for when publication should happen, and a target of x number of words per day should be the minimum I should include. 

And on a less serious note, I am able to play some computer games that are so old and creaky (like me) that they will no longer run on current machines. 

I confess to worrying about all the bills and expenses on the horizons, but at the moment, there is plenty of silver lining.  

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