Thursday 29 November 2012

Having a bit of a hiccup

I have had to do all sorts of subterfuge to post on my blog, sigh.  There is a long and dull backstory involving OH, a new phone and more crashes than the crockery at a Greek Wedding.  There may be some hiccups and a few delays in normal posting.  Anyway...

This evening we had home made soup with dumplings.  It was supposed to be soup, I put a spoon in each bowl as a hint and it definitely looked damp.  I had got a bit carried away with the barley so it was more knife and fork territory.  However it wasn't so nice.  I had forgotten to get anything out of the freezer and so used up the smart price bacon I had been given by Asda as a substitute for the bacon offcuts I use, and it wasn't very nice bacon.  The actual bit of the bacon that was from the pig wasn't too bad.  However the smoked flavouring that they paint on inexpensive smoked bacon was far too strong.  Next time I will boil it severely before draining and then using it. 

I have definitely remembered to defrost something tonight, there is a nice bit of diced lamb in the bottom of the fridge to match up to the potherbs I have sitting on the cupboard top.  There may be barley in that as well, as we all like barley and so far no-one has told me it is bad for me. 

I am trying not to get grumpy with the school  There was a meeting at school for all parents wanting to know more about the internet thingy that our children had been subscribed to, full of ebooks and questions.  I am very happy with the site, by the way, though little bear thinks it a bit beneath him.  The meeting was perhaps not as well attended as it could have been.  I think about forty could have potentially attended, and six turned up.  One of those turned up because I had mentioned it in the playground this morning.  Someone suggested that we get emails with info in.  The headteacher is not convinced this is a good idea.  I am trying to be as charitable as I can, little bear is flourishing in the school, but while the headteacher is fantastic with children, I am not so sure about her connection with parents.  It is obviously more important that she is good with the children, and she really is.  However I think she has overestimated how complicated emails can be.  I am trying to think of how good she is for little bear. I am not doing very well.  So that is another hiccup.

I have also been looking back on the year.  It did not fill me with a rosy glow, but I GOT PUBLISHED (by myself, which is a bit more lower case, but still).  Also I have hardly bought any yarn at all this year, so that is good thing.  It would be a better thing if it was a zero intake of yarn, but we can't have everything. 

I think the final hiccup of the day, after being absolutely determined to get rid of some of my outstanding projects, is I am likely to start a new one. I saw the quilt being made on the Wartime Farm.  I thought tiny mini pillows sewn together would look great, especially if the fabric matched the wastepaper bins.  And instead of buying fabric I am using the fake suede curtains in deep chocolate brown that I got for door curtains and then was scared to hang up because I thought they were so heavy they would break the curtain poles.  I have some unused smartprice pillows that will provide inexpensive padding, and my friend ebay has delivered appropriate needles and the correct colour thread.  OH is out, darling father is upstairs watching football, little bear is very nearly almost going to sleep, nothing to stop me sitting down with a dvd, a cuppa and a new project - not a hiccup, but heaven.

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