Tuesday 13 November 2012

Presents are stacking up

Little bear wants lots of books for Christmas and his birthday.  He will have a lot of books.  Darling father is buying constantly for him, I know he is getting stuff from my sister in law, who took him on a scouting trip to a toy shop.  There is an awful lot lined up for him.

Part of the problem is that his birthday is so close to Christmas.  So we buy for the two occasions, and then we look at what we have and think, 'Is that enough?  Does this make a little boy joyful?' 

I now feel very mean but I don't feel like stacking up many more presents.  He will have books, goodies from many sources, he is having a birthday party so will have several presents from the children who come, and he doesn't actually need that much.  Darling father has bought some toy cars for him.  Little bear has two crates of toy cars.  He has sticker books and puzzle books and, well, everything he wants. 

So I am going to rein things in.  One thing I have done over the last few months is get rid of a lot of crayons, pencils and felt tips that were looking extremely shabby.  I know he is enjoying writing at his new desk, which is an early gift from darling uncle, so today I went to our local newsagents and bought a pad of lined paper, a pad of blank paper, a notebook, envelopes, post it notes and a hole punch (I may regret the hole punch), together with a reasonable selection of pens, pencils and crayons. I  am considering buying him a stapler but a bit worried that he may be a little too young for it.  I shall be picking up rubbers, glue sticks and pencil sharpeners as well when I go in next.  I like getting as much as I can from local shops.  It all came to very little, and I think over the two days will bring him a great deal of joy. 

However I am likely to not get much more.  It won't really impact him - little bear has so much of everything.  It will make housewifery easier if I don't have to try and find places for everything.  It will be easier on our bank balance.  Also, how can little bear appreciate things if there is just too much to play with?  I am making him earn treats, by saving up crosses on a chart to get a huggle buddy hideaway (not my idea, the advertising agency must have really earned their money).  How can I encourage him to learn to work towards things and save up for things and earn things if he has an avalanche of stuff at the end of every December? 

But then, of course, I start feeling like Scrooge again. 


ravylesley said...

sorry Sybs but I am a big believer in huge piles of Christmas presents and will walk over burning coals to ensure that on the day my kids get everything that they desire.At this time of year I have a big clear out to make way for the new stuff and despite howls of protest from the tinies I remain firm


Lesley said...

Different Lesley here! I have a similar problem in that my son's birthday is on the 23rd of December. So every year he gets a whole load of presents at once, and then has to wait a whole year to the next lot! Now he is a little older (9) he quite likes it as he can choose to have a bigger joint present.

We try not to buy our kids things that are too big. They both get pocket money and have to save up or earn extra money if they want extra things during the year. We think that way they will learn the value of money, and value what they do have more. So far it seems to be working!