Saturday 28 May 2011

Self pity

Can't breathe very well.

So I decided today was going to be a knitting day. With a yarn stash rapidly overtaking the house and some new patterns just arrived to add to the pile I have already plus the patterns from the knitting magazines, I was quite eager.

Little bear had also thought about knitting.

The blanket/rug that I had started with around 150 stitches of very loopy boucle had been pulled off the needle it was on. I was not happy, I managed to pick up probably stitches (v loopy yarn) and probably the right number (knitted v tight as I plan to felt it). And the pair of needles I had put with the pattern for the change of needles from the welt had mysteriously disappeared. Apparently knitting needles make very good drumsticks.

So I got out my stash of needles to find a pair so I could carry on. Not only have I randomly bought more complete sets of needles than any sane person ever needs I have also inherited my mother's and grandmother's. I did get given my mother in law's needles, but I have put them separate in case her granddaughter ever takes up knitting. Of course there are also all the free needles that you get with magazines etc...

Little bear thought it was wonderful, especially the larger floral needles that I had got free with magazines. Cirucular and straight, long and short, size 15mm down to 2.5mm, all were scattered with abandon all over the living room floor. I was gasping like a fish out of water as I dragged them together and put them back in their bag (really must sort out and donate at some point).

I have a knitting evening planned. And I really must update my started/finished box. Although if it is not fulfilling its purpose (stopping me starting new things before finishing old) I may delete. My blog feels a bit congested.


Witch Hazel said...

hi Sybil
Rather than losing items completely, you could move them to a standalone page (or pages) on your blog, which would be accessible through tabs. see harduphester's blog for a good example. To do it, go into DESIGN for your blog, click Add a Gadget (underneath the header) and select the "Pages" gadget.
Tehn you can continue to keep recent items on your main blog, but not lose everything just because you feel your blog is gettign cluttered.

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you - I didn't realise that.

I just witter on, the technicalities get away from me. I shall look into that. WS x