Monday 30 May 2011


According to the news we are having the driest spring since 1976.

I am old enough to remember 1976 and I remember the scorching heat and the water shortage, though I am young enough to not have had to deal with a burning question of how to feed a family inexpensively in hot weather when the first thing I think of is cold sausage and salad. Inflation was bad then, worse than it is now, and it must have been a struggle to manage - especially without the resources of the internet.

The thing about the weather of 1976 that I really remember is the huge storms in the autumn, and great aunt's green house blowing away. It was amazing - for a young child!

It will be interesting to see how this develops, although we have had another volcano in Iceland and apparently (according to the Discovery Channel) volcanoes make for cold weather.


Hard up Hester said...

1976 was the year I got married for the first time

Wannabe Sybil said...

Scorching and then stormy then! Not an omen.

Hang on - does that mean your weddings are responsible for the weather? lol WS x