Saturday 5 November 2011

Bonfire Night and evil cat

Little bear, darling father and OH are out letting off fireworks. Evil cat is sitting in her basket looking inscrutable.

This is a bit hard on me. Normally she watches through the window, she has never been scared of the noise. Now, however, I think she 'can't be havin' with it'.

It is so hard seeing this. She has just coughed up a very dramatic, oscar winning hair ball and tried to steal scraps of chicken from little bear's plate. She was looking so much herself, but she doesn't want to know about the fireworks which, as far as I can tell, she has always enjoyed up until now.

I called the vet for a new pack of the painkiller prescription and the vet is coming out to see her, as the guidelines for the medicine require regular checks. We can't take evil cat to the vet as the journey is too painful, and pain makes her even more combative. I would point out that even without pain she can be pretty assertive about personal space and what happens to vets who invade hers. The vet that came out last no longer works for the practice, so it is someone that may not be aware of evil cat's reputation. I hope she will reassure me.

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