Thursday 17 February 2011

Little bear's rudeness

Ian - He got a very icy reception. He is old enough now. I need to summon up the depths of my heritage to put enough respect in him so that I will not have to take it when he is fourteen and goodness knows how much taller - Ian, you can confirm he is already v tall for his age!

I would never, ever have had the courage to say that to either parents or grandparents, and I was the bolshy one!

The fire station that came today is definitely not being handed over, not even after a good report from nursery. I will save it for something major.

Morgan - thank you for the hugs! I didn't keep going on about it or sulking, because I am supposed to be the grown up, but my mother could freeze you to the marrow with just a few words if you were cheeky. I don't want to be too cruel to little bear, but he is not getting away with it. He is old enough to deal with consequences (within limits).

Yes, I still absolutely adore him, but I am drawing more lines, and enforcing more boundaries. I have to for his sake, regardless of anything else.


Ian said...

Saying that to Mum would have been bad enough. I definitely can't imagine ever saying that to Gran or Grandad. I don't really remember Grandad Sharpes or May very well, but I can't imagine you getting away with it with them either!

Little Bear is indeed tall for his age. I don't know about Nigel's side of the family, but Nigel's a good height as is your good self. His uncle M and maternal grandfather are good heights and we've got a relative who's 6'6"!

Once it's done and he's had his telling off and punishment it should be done and not mentioned again unless he repeats the offence IMHO.

But that is something that you definitely do not say to your mother!

Like you say, he has to learn his boundaries now, no matter how upset he gets, otherwise he's going to have a rude shock when he meets people who do have boundaries.

Morgan said...

Agreed - and as Sybil says, it is easier to instill some of this in him now than if she had an unruly teenager as that would be far too late - I am sure that children reflect their upbringing!