Tuesday 8 February 2011

Operation Clutterbust 14

The clutterbusting has stalled. I'm a bit fed up about it but this last few weeks have been a bit draining (and I've just had another few nights on short sleep).

A big part of the problem is that all the easy stuff has been done. The next bits need energy/time/focus. Also, where do I start next? One clutter busting book suggested starting from the back and working forward, that is, going into the least used parts and getting rid of stuff from there. The reason was that the stuff there would be rarely used and ideal for a clutter bust and also it would make space to put stuff from the more used areas. There are two big areas that count. The walk in cupboard, which is quite a decent size and has metal racking on both sides. If I could organise that properly then a lot of stuff could go in there, including overflow of kitchen stores. Then there is the junk room, the room that time forgot, the graveyard of lost yarn... It needs a spooky sound track to do justice to fighting through the heaps of stuff, especially as there is a lot of stuff that is heavy or awkward to move. But if I could clear that it would free up loads of space!

All is being made more pressing by the arrival of things from darling father. Soon I will have to find space for a tumble dryer!


ana s. said...

flylady.com has the idea that setting a timer and decluttering for a good focused 15 minutes at a time is very effective. Or make a rule to declutter XX number of things a day.

Try not to get discouraged about the size of the project but do a small amount at a time. It will get done.

Wannabe Sybil said...

You are absolutely right! I suppose I am focusing on the mountain instead of the small steps that get me to the top. Thank you. WS x