Friday 12 November 2010

A Faux Pas from Mr Sainsburys

OH thinks I'm overreacting.

I was a bit fed up when I was doing my Sainsburys online order. The computer didn't have options for eg Nesquik Banana Milkshake, and other odds and ends that aren't particularly vital but can be extremely useful for a cantankerous nearly four year old.

When the delivery came it appears that I have been transferred from one store to another. The one I am now attached to, Bradford, is smaller and thus less choice. And, insult to injury, they are having a refit so temporarily even less!

I was not happy with this. I have a working relationship with the men from the White Rose who are lovely, they humour me, they joke with me and generally are lovely.

Now, I want to be clear. I did not ask for help. So I cannot complain really, because if I had asked for help I am sure that I would have had help (well, almost sure). However I cannot imagine the men from the White Rose Centre, seeing a woman with one arm in a sling, and over one hundred pounds worth of groceries (two weeks, inc whiskey, and lots of juice drinks for little bear on account of tonsils) would not offer to at least help carry the stuff down six concrete stairs. I was absolutely finished at the end of it.

So I rang and complained. I was pleasant, because why shouldn't I be, expressed reservations particularly about choice, mentioned the lack of help but stressed that I had not asked. And I also pointed out the many times I had rung to praise service, the complications I had had to deal with and kept the good humour, the weekly order for years, and asked nicely if I could go back to the White Rose. And if I don't get back to the White Rose I am seriously considering going to Asda. So there!

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