Monday 1 November 2010

Okay, panic

I am struggling with the new keyboard, none of the keys are in the right place. However it is a softer touch so I should be able to speed up.

Little bear is shattered, achey, refused to walk earlier and running a temperature. I am going to try and get him to the drs this afternoon. So the gap when he would have been at nursery has evaporated. The only reason I can be here now is because he has colonised my chair and I have to be able to go and fuss at a moment's notice.

OH has had the first half way decent weekend for nearly a month - I hope he doesn't pick up what little bear has.

Normal chances to write - when little bear is at nursery (quite poorly, looks like he is off for a week), when everyone else has gone to bed (but OH is sleeping on the sofa, and sleep deprived so I am chased upstairs at an early hour), or sometimes when little bear naps (if he naps, not guaranteed, I need to try and tackle the foothills of the ironing and the health hazard that is the kitchen).

On the bright side, yesterday in the slow cooker I managed to cook a bacon joint and in the liquor I have cooked overnight some lentils, dried yellow peas, barley and dried onions. It almost makes up for the takeaway last night.

So I am going to buy some more yarn. I may have no room, but at this exact moment it is the least of my worries.

1 comment:

Ian said...

Hope LB's okay. Sending virtual hugs.

I can't get used to the ergonomic, bent keyboards. They split between the 'B' and 'N' and I can't stand them!