Friday 12 November 2010

Little bear

Little bear has been referred to Special Educational Needs. On one hand is the potty training issue. I feel that little bear will decide what is happening with that, but I am willing to do my best.

The other reason he is being referred is because he is so bright he is 'academically off the scale'. That is a direct quote.

I feel a bit thrown by it. OH is bright, darling father is bright, my late mother's family included some extremely scarily bright people. My brothers are both very intelligent. So if he is bright it seems normal, but I think he is hitting a lot of targets ahead of time, and effortlessly. I am certainly only playing with him, not pushing him.

I am scared about letting him down, but it isn't about me, it is about him and doing the very best I can for little bear. Who has been giving my shoulder lots of kisses to make it better.


Morgan said...

I am delighted in a way that LB is being referred for being bright! I hear so much about SEN in a school context and it usually only refers to the children with problems - behavioural issues, academic problems, health and physical conditions, etc. If LB is that bright, he is indeed special and it is right that that has been recognised. Too many bright children get bored and then switch off, so hopefully being recognised this early will be excellent news for him and he will be taught in an appropriate way.

I hope the toilet training comes together for LB without too much intervention, though, as I think that since it is such a personal and private thing, he can do without too many people taking too big an interest - I feel it would put one off completely!!

Hugs. Sorry to hear the shoulder is causing you so much pain - give the clutterbusting a break and rest? You are doing an amazing job!

Wannabe Sybil said...

Thank you for that - it is an amazing hug! So appreciated. WS x